
English study

Has My English Improved? A Brief Reflection on the Early Term at the University of Wollongong.

Hello, I'm Kai.Spring term, early term, mid-term. I'm not sure which is the right way to say it, but it's finally over! ...
Random journals

Will Lost Items be Returned? A Story of Forgetting a Wallet on a Train in Australia.

Kai Hello, this is Kai from UOW. Today's post is like a daily journal. It was just two days ago, on a Wednesday.I met up...
Random journals

Studying Abroad in Australia: Language School vs. University – A Student’s Perspective on Both Experiences

Kai What's the difference between them? Hello, here is Kai. This time, I have a miscellaneous article. It's been about 2...
Random journals

【Self-Introduction】 Welcome to Edu-verse, a laid-back blog run by a former high school English teacher in Japan!

Kai Who is managing the blog? This time, I will answer this question. Hello, I'm Kai.Thank you for visiting my blog. Thi...